
Tadpole’s Promise

Tadpole and a caterpillar fall in love

We’re the willow meets the water a tadpole met a caterpillar

They gazed into each other’s tiny eyes and fell in love

She was his beautiful rainbow and he is her shiny black pearl

I love everything about you said the tadpole

Caterpillar, promise you’ll never change.

I promise he said

As the weather changes the tadpole could not keep his promise

Next time they met he had grown into two legs

You’ve broken your promise said the caterpillar

Forgive me beg the tadpole

I couldn’t help it I don’t want these legs all

All I want is my beautiful rainbow

All I want is my shiny black pearl

Promise me you’ll never change said the caterpillar

I promise he said but sure as the season change

The next time they met he had grown arms

That’s twice you’ve broken your promise cried the caterpillar

Forgive me begged the tadpole

I couldn’t help it I do not want these arms all I want is my beautiful rainbow

All I want is my black shiny pearl, I would give you one last chance said the caterpillar

But surely as the world changes the tadpole could not keep his promise

The next time they met  he had no tail

You have broken your promise three times and now your’re broken my heart

But you are my beautiful rainbow said the tadpole

But you are not my shiny black pearl, good bye

She crawled up the willow bracnch and cried herself to sleep

One warm moonlit night she woke up the sky had changed exept

For her love the tadpole even though he’d broken his promise

She decided to forgive him

The caterpillar change into the butterfly and tadpole looks more and more like a frog

She dried her wings and fluttered down to look for him where the willow meets the water a frog was sitting on a lily pad

And what is flying towards him

Excuse me, she said , have you seen my shiny black….but faster than she could say pearl

The frog left up and swallowed her in one great gulp

Because frogs eat butterflies

And there he waits thinking fondly of his beautiful rainbow wondering where she went

The end.







最後提醒德是:執著於表面的承諾反而會帶來意想不到的困擾。 在成長得過程中我們會遇到很多喜歡的異性,發展關係.之後各自的發展都會不同




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